Batman - Arte Alternativa / Alternative Art

Seguem algumas ilustrações do herói da DC Comics, Batman, o famoso homem-morcego, retratado em versões alternativas, com o devido link para o site do artista.

Here there are some illustrations of DC comics hero, Batman, portrayed in alternative versions, with the proper link to the artist site.

Steampunk Batman
Steampunk Batman by R-Tan -

Click here to see more

Symbiote Batman
 Symbiote Batman by Edge-Works -

Art Painting Batman
Painted Batman by skottieyoung -

Cave Man Batman
 Cave Man Batman by Andy Kuber

Cowboy Batman
Cowboy Batman by Andy Kubert 

Mega Man Batman
 Mega Man Batman by KingMonster -

Samurai Batman
Samurai Batman por The Satsui -

Batman Redesigned
Batman Redesigned by Inkthinker -

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